Tender, juicy, crispy on the outside carnitas melt in your mouth and burst with flavor. Made in the instant pot with seasoning mixed up in minutes using...
Assorted fresh garden vegetables, eggs and cream make this quiche tasty, refreshing and packed with flavors. Not only delicious, but also good for you....
Reminiscent of a rich stuffed baked potato, here high-fiber, low-carb cauliflower takes the place of the potato. It's coated with flavorful Cheddar cheese...
Crock Pot Ham Cabbage Potato Soup recipe made with leftover ham, fresh cabbage, diced potato and chopped fennel is perfect for Octoberfest or Saint Patrick's...
The best stuffed peppers anyone in our house has ever tasted, this recipe for bison stuffed peppers is sure to please even the pickiest eaters (and it...
Cheese chicken alfredo rigatoni is a delicious change up from your typical fettuccini alfredo dish. Garlic cream sauce and all the chicken, cheese, and...
This Thai Peanut Chicken sandwich is sweet, savory, creamy and crunchy. It is definitely not your average sandwich and deserves the distinction of being...
This is how to make a Traditional Borscht Recipe. My mom's Ukrainian borscht can be made vegetarian or with beef and I share all the tips and variations...
Tilapia is covered with a slightly spicy sauce that keeps it nice and moist with roasted corn on top for an amazingly easy summer supper. You can also...
The post itself has all the details and photos you will need to whip up delicious sushi bar style sushi... at home! This printable guide can be used as...
This healthy keto avocado ranch chicken salad uses poached chicken but is the perfect way to use up leftover chicken, for a delicious lunch that will fill...
I know there are a lot of ingredients in this dish that people usually stay away from, so I decided to get them all over with at once. If you buy roquefort...
Spicy Pork and Potato Stew uses tender pork cuts and potato simmered in Middle Eastern spices and tomato sauce. Chipotle chiles in adobo sauce and chorizo...
My easy, 3-ingredient baked chicken thighs are tender and juicy with a crispy outer skin that is perfectly seasoned! This method is so simple, you can...